There are 17,563 New Car Dealers businesses in the US as of 2021, an increase of 0.3% from 2020 with sales in the billions. Out of all the car dealers out there only 1% are black!
Enter PTG365! Founded by Brandon Medford, Dave Obaseki and Eric Whitehead. These three brothers under 30 took a leap of faith after leaving high six-figure jobs to take on a white male dominated industry and flipped it to a customizable auto business.
Being a dealer and brokered company, PTG365 has mastered the art of saving people the time and money during the car buying process. You can have your new or pre-owned vehicle delivered to you on any occasion wrapped in red ribbon! This innovation has allowed them to grow into a $10 Million empire and they are showing no signs of slowing down.
On Episode #10 of ITV – PTG365 is making a lot deposits inside the vault so consider this being another stimulus check! We discuss their leap of faith and how unity and trust is paying off for this dynamic trio. #cardealership #ptg365
They are teaching the game in their new PTG365 Academy:
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